miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

The force of the motivation

Hi! Welcome again!

The other day I went to the university by bike. The way is really nice because it is downhill. But it was so hard when I came home. It was 15:00, sunny and uphill. I found a strategy to take it easily (I was proud of it). It consisted on looking down without seeing the end of the hill. When I do sport I usually focus my attention on the present and not on the “finish line” (the future). It has advantages and disadvantages, I know it. But I don’t want to talk about it right now, despite it is interesting too. 

In that moment when I was so concentrated riding my bike, a girl shouted to me: Come on, you can do it! In that moment I looked up, saw her and smiled. Before that I was really motivated, but that motivated me much more. What is more motivating: our own motivation or when someone motivates us?  Both?

After she said it to me, I continued riding but looking up, laughing and thinking about what had happened. I forgot my previous strategy. At the end of the hill I felt really good because of many reasons: because the attitude of the girl and my reaction, because I did a big physical effort, because I got my aim… I realised that the words of the girl were like a turning point on my way because after them I rode faster. Why? Where was that energy before? Inside of me? On my mind? Sometimes I think I am doing my best, but maybe it is not true… How to manage our energy is also another interesting topic to analyse.

I am writing because I have just started the new course, I want to say welcome and I am motivated to write here. Alejandro also stimulated me to do it when he wrote me. Once again: motivation external, internal... I feel motivation is related with happiness. Do you feel the same?