viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Something has changed today

I am not the only student that builds a “wall” to be separated from teachers, I mean, we don´t want to have a closer relation with them. And sometimes we build it unconsciously. But why we do it?

It may be due to:
We are used to behave by this way.
We don´t want that our classmates give us the label of -pelota-.
The difference of age.
We don´t have with them too much in common.
Our concept of learning includes that teachers’ role means giving us some information and evaluate if we have memorised it or not. So the way of teaching-learning promotes a distant relationship.
We hate them because of the marks they give us.
Their authority promotes it.

There are many reasons. I thought on them while I was coming home after my English class. At the end of that class, my teacher gave me a pat on the back and wished me a nice weekend. It promoted this reflection and I think this is because I felt something. Feelings make me reflect and, in some way, make me learn (feelings are an important key). So my relation with my teacher has changed; something has changed today; I have changed; I am changing. I felt that my teacher is interested on me as a person, not only as a student. But… maybe they are concepts closer each other than I was used to think. I connect this with my idea of learning process, a concept which I am “exploring” since last year.

Continue with the metaphor, the wall is breaking down with this teacher. But what is it happening with the others? What kind of relation do I have with them? And with teachers of other years? Honesty, I want sometimes to finish a subject to change my relation with the teacher. My concept of assessment makes me treat my teachers differently than without it. Pathetic but it is true.

Let’s change this attitude! I need more pats on the back to wake me up. And you?

Have a nice weekend!

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

What am I learning?

What am I learning during a class in which the teacher tells me his life?

What am I learning if the teacher doesn’t connect what he is saying with his subject?


What I am learning if I am not interested in what the teacher is saying?

What am I learning if sometimes I don’t pay attention to the teacher?

What am I learning if only the teacher speaks during the whole class?

What I am learning when I mustn’t talk with my classmates during the class?

What am I learning if this class should take 2 hours?

What am I learning if I don´t know when the teacher is going to leave; 10, 15, 25 or maybe 35 minutes before the “formal” end of the class?

What I am learning if I don’t know what the aim of the teacher is?

What am I learning if the teacher explains concepts that I have already study in Primary Education and nothing new?

What am I learning if the teacher “forces” me to do the exercise by his way and not by mine?

What am I learning if the teacher doesn’t correct the activities that he gave us?

What am I learning if we don’t put in practice the theory that we are studying in class?

What I am learning when the teacher says that his subject is an “estafa” for us?

I am learning a lot, it depends on me.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

My way of thinking has changed

I can’t sleep tonight, I don’t know why. So I think it is a good idea to write down my experience of yesterday and share it with you.

Yesterday morning a person called me and asked me if I was able in the afternoon to take care of more or less 5 children while their parents had a meeting. The person, who is used to do it, wasn’t yesterday so I say “Yes I can”. I am used to be with children and I am studying teaching training (I am doing it bilingual so I write in English to improve my level), because of that I was calmed before going. Some hours before, I had prepared some games and some paints for them to colour. But on the way from my house to the school I thought it could be a great idea to help them to do their homework. Then, they would have free time at home. I was thinking on that idea but at the end I decided to do whatever the group of children needs. I know that some of my lectures prepare their classes but they don’t know what exactly is going to happen and what they are going to do. It depends on the class. So I had the same idea.


When I arrived there 10 minutes earlier, there were two little girls with their parents. It was surprise for me that they only have six years. They had their rucksacks so I thought: I am sure they have not too much homework; we can to it and then play. But everything changed in my mind when 5 minutes later, around 20 six years old children came. My head was working really fast. I was saying to the parents where the meeting was; saying welcome to the children; thinking on what we could do… many ideas came to my head.

We had a problem, the classroom was small and there were many tables and chairs inside. I was thinking on solutions but I decided stop to think alone. We were around 25 people (25 brains) and I used it. I told the problem to the children and moderated by me they were giving interesting and creative solutions. The problem was solved with the help of everybody and then we could play to some games (I taught them 2 games and they taught also 2).

It was interesting for me to see how they behave when an adult explains them something, in that case a game, and when a classmate explains them the game and the rules. Also I was surprised to see how fast a child can assume a new role, I mean, when they have to explain something to the rest of the people. I don´t know if the movements, words, rhythm of speaking etc. that they use are natural or they try to imitate their teachers.

When it finished, I reminded all that what happened and how I have behave, reflect during that time and managed the situations. We didn’t do the homework, neither paint nor play the game I had though before.

I think 2 years ago I would have done it differently, I am completely sure. Since I started my degree I have been changing. I have changed my way of thinking so I have change myself and also me way of doing things. I can notice it.

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

The force of the motivation

Hi! Welcome again!

The other day I went to the university by bike. The way is really nice because it is downhill. But it was so hard when I came home. It was 15:00, sunny and uphill. I found a strategy to take it easily (I was proud of it). It consisted on looking down without seeing the end of the hill. When I do sport I usually focus my attention on the present and not on the “finish line” (the future). It has advantages and disadvantages, I know it. But I don’t want to talk about it right now, despite it is interesting too. 

In that moment when I was so concentrated riding my bike, a girl shouted to me: Come on, you can do it! In that moment I looked up, saw her and smiled. Before that I was really motivated, but that motivated me much more. What is more motivating: our own motivation or when someone motivates us?  Both?

After she said it to me, I continued riding but looking up, laughing and thinking about what had happened. I forgot my previous strategy. At the end of the hill I felt really good because of many reasons: because the attitude of the girl and my reaction, because I did a big physical effort, because I got my aim… I realised that the words of the girl were like a turning point on my way because after them I rode faster. Why? Where was that energy before? Inside of me? On my mind? Sometimes I think I am doing my best, but maybe it is not true… How to manage our energy is also another interesting topic to analyse.

I am writing because I have just started the new course, I want to say welcome and I am motivated to write here. Alejandro also stimulated me to do it when he wrote me. Once again: motivation external, internal... I feel motivation is related with happiness. Do you feel the same?

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014


At the end I have decided to have my own blog. I was thinking on it since a lot of months, it is not a decision that I have just take.

I have some blogs but they are for different subjects and also they are by groups. In this kind of blogs I am evaluated by my teachers. In many of them I show to my teachers what I have learned in their subjects. Because of that, I feel I need to have a personal one to have my own place to reflect and to do it in an “objective” way, I mean, more objective than on my personal diary. My objective is to reflect about myself and my educative process, during my degree, without to be evaluated by someone. For me, not to be evaluated has some advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages: Without a teacher, I can learn whatever I want; I can choose the way of learning; I have freedom; I am not limited to a subject or a final exam; I make my learning meaningful, I learn when I want (maybe every time?)…

Disadvantages: A good teacher could be an excellent guide (all they should be), I am sure that they know better than me different ways of learning; in some way depend on me to be or not to be limited to a final exam or a mark, not on the teacher; a teacher can make my learning meaningful, if he/she knows how to do it (it depend also on me); a teacher can motivate and stimulate me a lot, maybe more than I could do alone…

Uf! I have found more disadvantages than advantages of not to have a teacher. At the beginning I didn´t think so. Well, it means that teachers (good teachers) are essential.

I have just read my text and I have realised that I am making a connection very curious: for me, is the same “to be evaluated” than “have a teacher”. Why? Maybe is it because the education that I have received was like that? I will think about this…

So, welcome to my blog.

Oh, sorry, I didn´t say why I am writing in English, despite of being a Spanish girl. Maybe in the next post! ; )
