I am not the only student that builds a “wall” to be separated from
teachers, I mean, we don´t want to have a closer relation with them. And sometimes
we build it unconsciously. But why we do it?
It may be due to:
We are used to behave by this way.
We don´t want that our classmates give us the label of -pelota-.
The difference of age.
We don´t have with them too much in common.
Our concept of learning includes that teachers’ role means giving us some information and evaluate if we have memorised it or not. So the way of teaching-learning promotes a distant relationship.
We hate them because of the marks they give us.
Their authority promotes it.
It may be due to:
We are used to behave by this way.
We don´t want that our classmates give us the label of -pelota-.
The difference of age.
We don´t have with them too much in common.
Our concept of learning includes that teachers’ role means giving us some information and evaluate if we have memorised it or not. So the way of teaching-learning promotes a distant relationship.
We hate them because of the marks they give us.
Their authority promotes it.
There are many reasons. I thought on them while I was coming home after
my English class. At the end of that class, my teacher gave me a pat on the
back and wished me a nice weekend. It promoted this reflection and I think this
is because I felt something. Feelings make me reflect and, in some way, make me
learn (feelings are an important key). So my relation with my teacher has
changed; something has changed today; I have changed; I am changing. I felt
that my teacher is interested on me as a person,
not only as a student. But… maybe
they are concepts closer each other than I was used to think. I connect this
with my idea of learning process, a
concept which I am “exploring” since last year.
Continue with the metaphor, the wall is breaking down with this teacher.
But what is it happening with the others? What kind of relation do I have with
them? And with teachers of other years? Honesty, I want sometimes to finish a
subject to change my relation with the teacher. My concept of assessment makes
me treat my teachers differently than without it. Pathetic but it is true.
Let’s change this attitude! I need more pats on the back to wake me up. And
Have a nice weekend!
Hi Laura
ResponderEliminarI can't help but answering you (I do not know if this is a pat ;)
I was thinking about the difference of a couple of terms: role and relationship. Teacher and student are two different roles but beyond those roles which depend on our meaning about teaching and learning, there is a real and changing relationship. This relationship is created through time and evolves sometimes to verify the imagined roles, sometimes to disrupt them. But this role and its emergent relationship generate a context which also influences the teaching and learning processes.
Many teachers limit themselves when they don't dare to be close to students many times with the fear of losing their objectivity (as if this was real).
Many students limit themselves when they prefer to maintain a secure distance to that person who finally is going to evaluate them instead of facilitate their learning or even their development.
From a relationship perspective both members are interdependent, both members need each other in order to grow and fulfill their own interests.
From a relationship perspective there is no student or teacher in isolation, they are real in terms of the relationship which creates a bond between them.
This was a post that shows a complex topic we should never take for granted, so thanks for sharing it.
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ResponderEliminarI have listened your meta-dialog with Gloria. Thanks, it was really interesting.
It reminded me when, few days ago I talked with a 10 years old girl. She asked me for the meaning of “tener pavo”. She wanted to know if she had it or not, she didn´t know it. Jaja It was funny. But I have the same kind of feeling. What does to be an adult mean? Am I? From my point of view, to have this kind of questions means, at least that we are walking in that direction. It lets us to look for our position although we feel we don´t fit in. Are we simply in a transition?
In relation with Gloria´s post
http://glorianogueiras.blogspot.com.es/ “Desde el tren: en una de las clases de hoy”
I feel that rituals facilitate our transitions. I am thinking in some examples in precise moments like: when children discover that parents play as 3 magic kings or the sacrament of confirmation. Or daily life examples like: change the subject in class or make yourself up before going out. Rituals let us to be conscious of our position (it is not easy al all) and also help us to continue.
Is there a specific ritual to become an adult? Do young people, like me, need it?
What happen when we are conscious of our transit and we don´t want to continue?
I connect this with a video I saw yesterday
Do we want to progress and leave stages back?
I also connect this with a poem I read in 2º Bach.
Que la vida iba en serio
uno lo empieza a comprender más tarde
-como todos los jóvenes, yo vine
a llevarme la vida por delante.
Dejar huella quería
y marcharme entre aplausos
-envejecer, morir, eran tan sólo
las dimensiones del teatro.
Pero ha pasado el tiempo
y la verdad desagradable asoma:
envejecer, morir,
es el único argumento de la obra.
Jaime Gil de Biedma
Do I want to think by this way?
Does thinking by this way mean to be an adult?
Thanks for your comment Alejandro!
I cannot believe it... I screw it up. and my message was erased twice. Two different mistakes in teen minutes is too much.
ResponderEliminarWell... My answer is shorter everytime ha ha
I love Biedma. It was very important (and he still is) for me when I was 17-18 years old. It was probably my main discovery during my last course in High School. So thanks for sharing the poem. But remember Biedma's life and take into account how many options we have.
I wanted to share some papers I have on rituals (one of my favourite topics)
I hope everything will work now... I cross my fingers...
See you soon